brute force implementation math *800

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Python Code:

import math
(y, b, r) = map(int, input().split()) 
sum = 0
z = min(y, b, r)
if(z == y):
    x = min(b , r)
    if (x == r and r < y +2):
        sum += 3*x - 3
    elif (z == b):
        sum += 3*z
        sum += 3*z + 3
elif (z == b):
    if (z == r):
        sum += (3*z)-3
        sum += 3*z
    sum += (3*z)-3


C++ Code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    int y, b, r;
    cin >> y >> b >> r;

    // choose the maximum number of blue ornaments
    b = min(b, y+1);
    b = min(b, r-1);

    // adjust yellow and red ornaments accordingly
    y = b-1;
    r = b+1;

    // calculate the total number of ornaments
    int total = y + b + r;

    cout << total << endl;

    return 0;



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